
Proton Projects


We aim to build the world’s smallest Radio Frequency Quadrupole to accelerate
protons to an energy of 2MeV in a short (~1m) distance. This project is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under the grant 118E838.




The existing 8 keV Discharge Ion Source was upgraded to 20 keV, and a low energy beam transport line was prepared. This project was co-supported by Istanbul University research funds, IU BAP 33250.

Measurement Station 

The project has two objectives: 1) to design and produce a test station for measuring the properties of positively charged hydrogen ions, ie protons, produced under about 20 keV voltage, and to develop computer software to examine its data; 2) to improve the properties of the proton source used to make it portable.  This project is supported by TÜBİTAK under grant ID 119M774.


Analysis & Software Projects

BSM Searches 

We are searching Beyond the Standard Model particles predicted by E6 GUT model using the ATLAS data. We have developed our own analysis framework called dbxA2. We are analyzing data and Monte Carlo events usually on our local cluster. This research was/is being supported by Boğaziçi University BAP grants 11685 & 16226.


This project is about writing a graphical-user-interface-based RFQ design software including its ion beam source and low energy beam transport code, in collaboration with Ankara University.


(first round completed)

We look for possible biases in LHC exotics searches through a meta-analysis of exclusion limit plots. The preliminary results based on the analysis of 56 ATLAS and CMS articles that were published between 2016 and 2018, are available at arxiv:1910.05559.

Detector & RF  Projects

Delay Wire Chamber 


The wire chambers are gaseous detectors which give of electronics signals when a charged particle passes by. This project was about building a 10×10 cm2 active area wire chamber to be used to track particle beams or cosmic rays. This project was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under the grant 114F467.

RF Transmission Line and Circulator


Accelerators need high RF power. The high power has to be transmitted by a specially designed system of waveguides and surely needs to include a circulator: a device that would not allow reflected power to harm the RF power supply. All components were locally designed and produced. The transmission line and the circulator operate at 800MHz. A test cavity was also built. This project was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under the grant 116E221.

Electron Projects

Electron Gun


We have built a number of thermal electron sources using W and W/Th wires. We are trying to build stable high current electron sources to be used by other projects in the lab. This project was supported by Boğaziçi University BAP grant 11481.



Accelerated and focused electrons can be used to weld two different materials into a single continuous piece. EBW allows control of the welding depth and radius. Also it is possible to weld two materials with different melting temperatures. This project was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under the grant 117F462.